In 2017, Becker Communications Inc. developed and executed a successful public outreach strategy to publicize Catholic Charities Hawaii’s affordable housing and homelessness programs and services. This proactive public relations strategy was accomplished through media relations, along with marketing and community relations to garner public support on solutions to the homelessness problem. Our strategy aimed to: explain Catholic Charities’ philosophy in providing long-term, affordable housing solutions, including its own senior housing complexes on Oahu and Maui; encourage developers and landlords to create more affordable housing or rental opportunities; raise public awareness of the progress it has made in assisting the homeless or those in danger of losing their housing; and increase financial contributions, volunteer time, and services to the nonprofit organization.
To connect with the public on the issue, we coordinated extensive print and broadcast media coverage to explain the housing/homelessness problems in layman, humanistic terms, rather than simply using facts and figures. We also communicated finding solutions to homelessness is everyone’s responsibility, whether by making a financial contribution, donating food and supplies, or volunteering their time or talents.
The grand opening of Meheula Vista, a new 301-unit senior affordable housing apartment complex, in Central Oahu provided a variety of publicity opportunities and garnered interest from potential tenants to apply for the housing’s second phase units, as well as provided a tangible example to investors for future construction phases of the project. Additional press coverage helped to gain public support and government approval of Kahului Lani, a senior housing complex on Maui.
We secured media coverage of Catholic Charities’ work at safe haven for homeless families with young children to increase the public’s understanding of the importance getting them off the streets until they can be placed in long-term housing.
To complement earned media coverage on Catholic Charities’ veteran homelessness program, we coordinated ad buys to appeal to the public to donate to assist the homeless.
ClientCatholic CharitiesServicesPublic RelationsYear2017