We Create Success: Part One
Founded on a reputation of excellence in the PR industry, Becker Communications is consistently ranked as one of Hawaii’s top three public relations firms by Pacific Business News. We marry our public relations tactics with expertise in digital communications and marketing/advertising in order to produce the very best results for our clients.
Public relations is indeed at the heart of everything we do, and with nearly 35 years of experience in the local marketplace, we can say with confidence that we’re the experts you want in your corner.

Our media specialists know how to create news opportunities in print, broadcast, and online media. Our approach is layered to ensure we attract audiences multiple times and in multiple ways through a variety of communications channels. Among the tools we create and use on behalf of clients:
- Editorial solicitation (local, national, international)
- Press release development and distribution
- Editorial board meetings
- Opinion-editorials and letters to the editor
- Expert positioning
- Media training
- Media interview preparation
- Press kit development
- Media bureau activities
Our community relations and corporate communications efforts are an integral part of our public relations strategy. We understand the value of building bridges to connect our clients to their target communities, and we do so through a variety of strategies and tactics. These include identifying our clients’ key communities; coordinating opportunities for speaking engagements with like-minded organizations; arranging community meetings for key executives; and researching opportunities for public event partnerships; among others.
We offer extensive expertise in the field of government relations, and we’re proud to work with organizations, their executives and their lobbyists to communicate effectively with elected and appointed officials at every level of government. As part of our company philosophy, we strongly advocate for ongoing government relations through the building and maintaining of relationships with elected officials and key government officials. In order to support your public policy goals, we provide guidance on strategic message development and produce effective communications, whether it’s drafting persuasive hearing testimony, facilitating private meetings with elected and appointed officials, or designing a brochure.
Issue management and crisis communications are highly specialized areas of public relations, requiring that the practitioner have a strong ability to focus, think quickly, plan strategy, and just as quickly change strategy midstream as the situation or issue evolves. Whereas many PR tools and tactics are similar for both, there are also distinct differences that often call for different approaches. Becker Communications is the right firm to call on when controversial issues threaten to affect your reputation or derail your objectives. Our track record of success in helping clients deal with a wide variety of issues, and the respect we’ve earned from media for our issue management expertise will serve you well.
We are also the firm you’ll want in the foxhole with you, should your company become involved in an event that creates risk to, or destruction of life or property. We’re your partners, from the development of a crisis plan, through implementation of all aspects, to follow-up in the aftermath.